On 29 April 2024, during the Brussels VIII Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the Region, a coalition of international and Syrian organizations hosted a joint side event …
North East Syria
Editor's PicksMPFP Publications & ResourcesPress Releases
Launching the Missing Persons’ Families Platform in North and East Syria (MPFP-NES)
by editorThe issue of the missing persons, arbitrary detained, and the enforced disappeared stands out as one of the most important issues reflecting the nature and essence of the conflict in …
Press Releases
130 Syrian Organizations Urge Donors at Brussels VIII Conference to Prioritize Urgent Humanitarian Issues in Northeast Syria
by editorOn April 30, 2024, Brussels will host the Day of Dialogue, involving Syrian civil society as one of the events of Brussels VIII Conference on Syria, organized annually by the …
Editor's PicksThematic Reports
Voices of Local Communities in Northern and Eastern Syria to the Brussels VIII Conference
by editorIntroduction: On March 5, 2024, Synergy Association for Victims and Analysis and Strategic Study Organization (ASSO), in cooperation with the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations in Northeast Syria (CSO-NES) and …
Editor's PicksNews
Northern Syria: Women as Victims in Various Forms, from Domestic Violence to Violations and Conflict-Related Crimes
by editorIntroduction: On February 27, 2024, a widely circulated video on social media showed a girl being violently beaten with sticks and iron bars. Some men and boys/children took turns assaulting …
Northeastern Syria: The Deliberate Targeting of Infrastructure Exacerbates the Risk of Forced Displacement
by editorOn 6 February 2024, the Syrians for Truth and Justice Organization (STJ), the Synergy/Hevdesti Association for Victims, the PÊL – Civil Waves Organization, the Syriac Cross Organization, and the North …
Press Releases
158 Syrian Organizations Condemn the Turkish Targeting of Civilian Infrastructure in North and East Syria
by editorCoinciding with Christmas and New Year celebrations, as well as the war in Gaza, the areas of north and east Syria, inhabited by diverse ethnic and religious groups, are witnessing …
Editor's PicksNews
Ras Al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê and Tall Abyad: Four Years of Occupation and Record Rife with Human Rights Violations
by editorIntroduction: Synergy Association for Victims has documented the killing of 59 civilians and the arrest of no less than 592, including six people who died under torture, in areas of …
Press Releases
151 Organizations Denounce Military Escalation and Targeting Infrastructure in Syria and Call for Their Immediate Cessation
by editorThe signatory Syrian organizations express their strong condemnation for the increase of hostilities across Syria since the early hours of Thursday morning, October 5, 2023, and call on the UN …
Editor's PicksThematic Reports
Northern Syria: Multi-Faceted Impacts of Arbitrary Detention and Torture on the Victims and Their Families
by editorExecutive Summary: In mid-March 2023, Nisreen Mohammed, an alias, was astonished when a group of armed men stormed her house in Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê City, blindfolded her husband, handcuffed him …