Executive Summary The image of a little girl filling buckets and jerry cans with water from an NGOs-supported makeshift cistern and transporting them using a child’s wagon to her house, …
Thematic Reports
Editor's PicksThematic Reports
Editor's PicksThematic Reports
Turkish Attacks on North and Northeast Syria Since Early 2022 kill 57 Civilians, Including Women and Children
by editorExecutive Summary Since the early of 2022 until the end of June 2023, Turkey and Turkish-backed factions affiliated with the opposition Syrian National Army (SNA) carried out 1,073 strikes against …
Editor's PicksThematic Reports
Syria/Türkiye Earthquake: Widespread and Recurrent Violations During and After the Humanitarian Response
by editorExecutive Summary This joint report documents a wide range of human rights violations that accompanied and followed the humanitarian response to the catastrophic earthquake that shook Syria on 6 February …
Thematic Reports
Northern Syria: Kurds in Afrin Victims of Lack of Accountability and Continued Impunity
by editorIntroduction: Four Kurdish civilians of the same family were killed and three others were injured, as they were directly shot by fighters of opposition Syrian National Army (SNA) backed by …
Executive Summary: During 2022, Hevdesti-Synergy Association for Victims documented 33 intra-factional clashes/internal fighting, between factions of the opposition Syrian National Army (SNA) in the two regions of Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniyê …
Thematic Reports
Peace Spring: Systematic Policy of Attack to Prevent Syrian Asylum Seekers Crossing to Turkey
by editorIntroduction: Three civilians, Syrian asylum seekers were killed and others were injured due to direct shooting by Turkish border guards (Gendarmerie) during 2022 in the areas lying between Ras al-Ayn/Serê …
Introduction: This report presents the total toll of the arbitrary arrest and enforced disappearance operations, documented by Hevdesti-Synergy Association for Victims during 2022, that were committed by the Turkish forces …
Thematic Reports
Where is My Home: Property Rights Violations in Northern Syria Perpetuate Demographic Change
by editorExecutive Summary: Illegal destruction, occupying and property appropriation belonging to civilians, as well as preventing the return of Kurdish families who displaced due to Turkish military operations or blackmailing and …
Thematic Reports
The Increase of Turkish Attacks on Northeast Syria Threatens Civilians’ Lives and Jeopardizes their Basic Rights
by editorExecutive Summary: The rate of Turkish military attacks on areas in North and Northeast Syria escalated during the second half of 2022 and has climaxed since November 20. Turkish planes …
Introduction: During 2022, Hevdesti-Synergy Association for Victims documented the arbitrary arrest of at least 633 people, including 40 women and 21 children, in Syria’s Kurdish region of Afrin, at the …