Syrian organizations and associations established by the families of detainees remain at the forefront of the struggle for truth and justice in cases of enforced disappearances throughout the country. These …
Truth and Justice first
MPFP Publications & ResourcesNews
The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s Regime on December 8, 2024, resulted in the liberation of prisons and detention centers, releasing thousands of detainees who had endured years of suffering. However, …
Editor's PicksMPFP Publications & ResourcesPress Releases
The New Syria: Awaited Justice and Ongoing Suffering for Families of the Missing
by editorThe Syrian people are entering a new era, fraught with challenges and hopes, after 14 years of suffering that continues to-date. The fall of the Syrian regime and opening of …
Media Digest on the Efforts of Victims’ Associations Regarding Arbitrary Detention and Enforced Disappearance in Syria
by editorThe legal and political movement emerging from the pain and suffering of the families of forcibly disappeared, missing, and detained individuals in Syria represents a prominent form of resilience and …
MPFP Publications & ResourcesNews
On the Path to Truth: Towards Concerted Efforts to Address the Issue of the Missing Persons in Syria
by editorBackground: The ongoing Syrian conflict since 2011 has affected all joints of life in the country. Syria’s geography has been divided, and the country has turned into an arena for …
Editor's PicksStories and StatementsThematic Reports
Death Shadows Us: The Aftermath of Turkish Attacks on Northeast Syria During the First Half of 2024
by editorExecutive Summary: This report covers the total toll of Turkish attacks on areas in northeast Syria during the first half of 2024, whether they were carried out by warplanes and …
Editor's PicksThematic Reports
Unheard Cries: the Reality of Arbitrary Arrest and Torture in the “Safe Zones” of Northern Syria
by editorIntroduction: The al-Sultan Family, who hails from the west countryside of Tall Tamer Town, endured a horrific tragedy as members of the opposition Syrian National Army (SNA) executed one of …
Press Releases
Statement on the First Anniversary of the Resolution to Establish the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in Syria
by editorOn this day, June 29, 2024, a full year has passed since the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution A/77/L.79 on June 29, 2023, which called for the establishment of …
On November 16, 2023, the International Court of Justice issued its decision regarding the request for provisional measures submitted by Canada and the Netherlands in the case concerning the application …
Editor's PicksMPFP Publications & ResourcesPress Releases
Launching the Missing Persons’ Families Platform in North and East Syria (MPFP-NES)
by editorThe issue of the missing persons, arbitrary detained, and the enforced disappeared stands out as one of the most important issues reflecting the nature and essence of the conflict in …